Bobby McFerrin & MOTION w/ SF Girls Chorus
March 13, 2022
3:00 pm
San Francisco
Bayview Opera House
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Destani sings in MOTION with Bobby Mcferrin. The season continues with a special guest appearance by SFGC 2021-2022 Artist-in-Residence and legendary American folk-jazz vocalist Bobby McFerrin. Presented at the Bayview Opera House, the centerpiece of the program will be a presentation of excerpts from McFerrin’s groundbreaking 1997 Sony Classical album Circlesongs. The program will also feature the world premiere of In Stillness I Sing, an SFGC commission by Theresa Wong featuring collaborator and pianist Sarah Cahill that sets to words text written by Premier Ensemble members about their experiences during the pandemic. Completing the program is McFerrin’s much loved The 23rd Psalm, an interpretation from the Biblical passage arranged for chorus and dedicated to his mother, an arrangement of Say Ladeo from McFerrin’s 1990 album VOCAbuLarieS, and two previous SFGC commissions, Penpal by 2019-2020 Rome Prize winner Pamela Z and Timas tropicales by 2021 Pulitzer Prize winner Tania León.